Vegan history

Quite a few years ago, I’m not exactly sure when, but around 2011-12, I had a nice conversation with a pub chef in Manchester.

It wasn’t a great pub, a place I’d been in a few times previously; mostly when I’d been to the nearby Academy for a gig.

But that particular conversation was something of a game changer for me. A month or two earlier, I’d made the decision to move to a vegan lifestyle.

Looking at the menu, I realised that it was vegetarian/vegan by default, mostly vegan. We’d ordered a couple of burgers and the chef had called by to check everything was ok. This involved a discussion between him and my beloved about hot sauce (they had one of her favourites). Eventually, we talked about veganism. I won’t go into detail, but his words have stuck with me since. He also introduces us to Egg in Liverpool (no idea if it’s still open, I’ve not been in ages).

I’ve only been there again a couple of times, once to eat, once with an old mate after seeing a band. The place wasn’t the best as a bar, it was a bit tired, but always seemed to be doing ok.

I mention the bar because I came across a post on Facebook (while following up comments on posts from the (our/my) bar.

I’m sure the chef has long since moved elsewhere, as pub chefs tend to do, but it was sad to read that the pub’s soon to become an Irish bar. That’ll be the old menu gone too, then.

The beer there wasn’t great, but it was never about the beer.