The dog is behaving like … well, a young dog. Earlier this week, after I’d dozed off on the sofa, she almost destroyed a slipper. To be fair, after a scolding, she left it alone and didn’t attempt to eat the matching slipper.
Over the past couple of days, again while I dozed on the sofa (due to a virus), she began to use the uneaten slipper as a surrogate me. I guess the other one still mostly smells like dog.
Yes, she sleeps with her face inside the slipper.
While talking about eating, we’d decided in pre-dog days that, from the earliest possible point, our hound would be a vegetarian.
In reality, this took around a week. Since making the switch, he growth has been great and her coat’s gone very shiny.
There’ve only been two differences to our plan. First, she stole a dog biscuit from another dog at work. And, secondly, we found that it’s easier to find vegan puppy food, than vegetarian.
It’s pretty cool that animals don’t need to die to feed our animal.