The end of Augustines. At least for my second and command and I. There’s a gig in Belfast, then a final one in Liverpool, but we’ll not be there. It’s quite an emotional time for my second in command; she’s been addicted to their music for some time now.
And, so, we’re seeing them this very evening in Glasgow, my favourite city.
We’re currently in the 13th Note, which happens to be my favourite bar. A bar that serves the most delicious falafel burgers.
My second in command lost her (most expensive ever) Brewdog hat this afternion. In the Horseshoe Bar, she believed. But it’s not there.
It’s possibly a day for lost things; Augustines, my second in command’s Brewdog hat and, technically not lost today, but purchased across the road to this very bar a few weeks ago, before being mislaid the next day, sheriff’s badge.
One of the above has now been replaced.