Category Archives: Beer

Kendal Calling

My second in command and I are currently sitting in the Tyne Bar, having showered and hosed-down our tent, following our return home, this morning, from Kendal Calling. It was a very grown up, little, festival. And we enjoyed it very much.














This weekend involved an unplanned, additional, night in Peterborough. We’d originally intended only to stay on the Friday, following a party, then spend Saturday night in Kings Cliffe. But this did give us the opportunity to visit the Wortley Almshouses. I’m only allowed the one visit though; my second in command isn’t too keen on the regular patrons.

We did, however, stumble into Charters on (technically) three occasions over the weekend. Well, it’s very much a summer bar.





No, I’ve not bought a telescope. My late uncle Patrick was the astronomy expert of the family. I’m currently enjoying, and nearing the end of, a pint of Out There’s Angara. It’s as black as you can get and a bit chocolaty.

It’s quite gorgeous and locally produced too.

I may have another.


Glaston Berry

This year’s Glastonbury, or Glaston Berry if you’re not a UK National, was, for me, perhaps my best. The pretty awful Saturday headliner (and Friday’s headliners weren’t the best) gave us the opportunity to venture further than the Pyramid/Other stages. That’s something I’ve not greatly experienced in the past. Well, on an evening.

In general, there was less rushing around and more exploring of smaller (still pretty big when compared to other festivals) stages. Some good new discoveries were made (I mean bands, not the naked old lady in the Green Futures field).

We spent quite a lot of time in Avalon and West Holts … and bought a hammock too (I’ve had my eye on the hammock shop for years). Our companions, Karl and Michelle, were lovely; it was good to be with nice people.

Anyway, a few pictures.

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There’d be a lot more, but beer makes for blurry pictures. And I tended to forget that I’d taken a camera.

One last thing I should mention was my ability to continue with a vegan diet without making an effort. But that’s only because there were a silly number of places I could eat. Needless to say, we did eat at Gandi’s flip-flop, our favourite festival eatery.

Ok, so there was one cheese pasty. But it was cheap and huge, and hardly had any cheese in it.

Addendum: I may have lasting feelings of guilt relating to the cheese pasty. I mean, the Dalai Lama might have seen me eat it. Because he was there at the time, you know. And that’s an important point. Not the pasty, but the Dalai Lama bothering to say a few words at Glastonbury.

China actually lodged a complaint with the festival. Why; because he was apparently going to say things which could be divisive for China. Oh, and because he’s guilty of (unspecified) atrocities.

Which is, of course, all complete bollocks. The man talked only about people getting along together. He was very humble and left the Pyramid stage, gesturing that everyone needed to make sure they slept. I’d been deeply disappointed to miss him in the smaller, planned setting, but the surprise appearance later in the day made up for that. I’m hoping that he may have eaten a cheese pasty or two too. Do they have cheese or potatoes in Tibet? Oh, but the Dalai Lama doesn’t live in Tibet (and hasn’t done so since 1959) any longer, does he?


Alcohol frei

A conversation in a pub …
Me: Do you have Erdinger in bottles?
Barperson: Yes, we do.
Me: Thanks.
Barperson: There you go.
Me: Er, that’s alcohol free.
Barperson: Yes.
Me: That’s alcohol free?
Barperson: Yes, it all is.
Me: Do you have the alcohol version?
Barperson: No, they only do non alcoholic.
Me: They mostly do alcoholic beer.
Barperson: Oh, I’ve only ever seen that kind.
Me: Ok, could I have a bottle of Heineken please?

BBC Four

Just watched a Glastonbury highlights thing on BBC4, recent years mainly. I’ve now switched into festival mode.

Four days to go.

Today (an average Saturday)

Today began with a mild hangover. A lie-in prevented anything major.

When I emerged from my sleep of weird, but now long forgotten, dreams, I was greeted by mid-morning sunshine. Which prompted me to take a picture of my zombie garden.


Which is looking much better now that the grass is getting longer. This afternoon, we went shopping for festival supplies.


Five boxes of beer, two boxes of wine and a bottle of vodka should just be enough. Although my second in command will also need supplies.

This evening, I caught up with yesterday’s Graham Norton show on iPlayer; I don’t often watch it, but Cyndi Lauper was one of this week’s guests.


OK, I know she’s had some work done, but she still looks great for 61. And her voice is holding up pretty well too.

I then watched Soaked in Bleach, the film about the days leading up to Kurt Cobain’s death. There was the expected murder/conspiracy theory, with a possibly forged suicide note. But, even if those arguments are discounted, it’s clear that something weird was going on. It’s worth watching.

I have housework tomorrow.



Going Forth

Last night ended in the Forth. And this afternoon picked up where I left off.

After some shopping, that is. We bought yet another battery back-up for phones (and some other stuff we don’t need). Well, the Glastonbury ones are £25 this year and they only manage one charge. And there’s the queue. So, we’ve bought a couple of higher capacity batteries and have a few older ones left over from previous festivals. There’s the car as a last resort, but I’m confident we’ll not need that.

While on the subject of festivals, is anyone else going to Kendal Calling? It’s only a month away and a festival at a very reasonable price. A whole weekend festival for half the price of the mainstream stuff (you can pay monthly by direct debit too).

And, this year, a great line-up too. Elbow are headlining on (I think) the Saturday evening, which is reason enough to go. And here’s Snoop Dog and the Kaiser Chiefs. Oh, and the Levellers (did I mention that a friend of one of the band killed our TV a few months ago? After a bottle of wine and most of a bottle of vodka. And some weed.) and, really worth seeing, the Lake Poets. But, as much as I love Elbow, and others, I’d go just to see Augustines.

And, should you be reading this, you should consider the same. Because You’ve nothing to lose but

you’ve nothing to lose, but

you’ve nothing to lose, but

you’ve nothing to lose, but

you’ve nothing to lose, but

you’ve nothing to lose, but

… your head …

That was me, singing. I don’t sing very well, but I do recommend the band (Mr William McCarthy et al) though; they have serious potential.

Back to Glastonbury now; we won’t be going next year. I’m saying this in advance because I don’t want to be confused with the (many) people who can’t get a ticket, but pretend they weren’t bothered about going in the first place. We’ve simple decided to take a break. We may go again one day, but a gap is needed to avoid something pretty cool from becoming routine. We’re considering Lowlands or Benicassim next year. I’d favour the former, because I’ve been twice before, but my second in command seems to be drawn to Spain (it does sound amazing). Or we may do neither.


After a nice long sleep, I’m completely hangover free. That’s despite a day in York with beer. A civilised day, in quality old pubs, and in the company of old gentlemen; what more could a man want?


