Category Archives: Beer

Beer and grammar

After considering doing so for some time, I’ve joined CAMRA. or, rather, we’ve joined, since membership’s pretty cost effective in multiples. For a very long time, I’d considered the organisation to be something of a beery antichrist, mainly due to the association of real ale with isinglass or, until cosmetics began using the stuff, collagen.

But, in recent years, there’s been a sign of change. While still not exactly mainstream, more real ale brewers are producing unfined, or seaweed-fined, beer. So, I’ve had something of a change of heart. After all, if more vegetarians/vegans join, there’s surely greater opportunity to influence further change. The moral argument probably won’t succeed, but the question around polluting a natural product with fish bits might. After all, finings remove both taste and valuable nutrients.

An unexpected bonus of membership is the ample supply of vouchers.


Regrettably, CAMRA have a little more work to do in the quality department. I really don’t understand how such a large proportion of the UK population don’t have even a basic knowledge of the use of the apostrophe.


Long weekends II

Another pretty cool long weekend involved some of my favourite pubs in both Peterborough and Newcastle. Worthy of mention are Charters and the Wortley Almshouses; the latter was visited a couple of times. Oh, and the Ostrich, where we saw a great band on Saturday evening. The following evening involved some truly nice real ale in Newcastle, from Out There, Atom and, perhaps best of all, Cloudwater. All unfined and vegan.

Long weekends

Are never long enough. Still, the weather’s been gorgeous and some time was spent in pubs doing a lot less than we’d planned. Yesterday was particularly good, with live music and great beer in the sunshine in Ouseburn. There’d be pictures, but they’re on my phone and I’m too lazy to transfer them. The Tyne Bar has another great band this Sunday at three; we may be there if tbe weather’s ok (they’re using the outdoor stage).

Mr Smith & Lady Gaga

Today, we went to York. In Newcastle, on our way to the station, though, it was hard to avoid the Pergida gathering. And the associated protest, of course.


The protest was way bigger, which was only right.


Anyway, two Sam Smith’s pubs were visited in York, beginning with the Kings Arms, by the river.


The bar was ridiculously busy, but that allowed me to rescue a beautiful glass from its captivity. And it gave me time to admire the pumps.


And the walls (which reminded me of our bathroom).



I don’t recall the name of the other Sam Smith’s bar, but it was pretty cool. A real gem, hidden away.


While there, we met Lady Gaga, who seemed to like my second in command.


We also visited Plonkers, a place I’d not been to since uni, well over a decade ago (when cheap Russian beer was frequently consumed). And it’s a place which also looks a lot like our bathroom.


All in all, a good day.


We’re currently in the Castle, on Oldham Road, Manchester. It’s a rather beautiful old pub with a free jukebox.


I’m drinking Brooklyn lager, but last time I was here I had a bottle of Elbow beer. The old build a rocket boys variety.

And, speaking of Elbow, yesterday we fell down a hole in the neighbourhood of Oxford Road.


The Temple, followed by Big Hands.


And then Elbow at the Apollo. Which a pretty amazing gig, with lots of old stuff and a move away from a one day like this finale.



Biscuits or whiskey? If I had to choose, I’d opt for the biscuits. Unless I could have both, of course.

My mother bought me a tin. A bottle of JD wouldn’t quite fit, so I filled it with biscuits.



Strangely, though, there is a link between biscuits and whiskey.

Or whisky. But that’s ok because America doesn’t understand the difference either. Maybe even the UK too.

Dead things

I’m currently watching the Elvis ’68 comeback special on Channel 5. If you disregard the stuff from the early days it’s actually rather good.


It reminds me of the Eels gig in Liverpool, a few years ago, where the band wore the same red suits as the band at the Elvis ’68 night.

Earlier this evening, I encountered something pretty disturbing by the castle in town.


I can’t help but wonder how many poor creatures contributed to this meal.

Bathroom update, glasses and more glue

This weekend, I’ve had a burst of bathroom related energy. While it may not appear so, progress has been made.


And, somehow, I managed to break another pair of glasses. I now have two pairs held together with superglue while awaiting new glasses.

I’m only recently returned home, following an unplanned meal in Low Fell. It’s cold outside and the frost is creeping in.

The meal was excellent though, worthy of a huge tip. Afterwards, I enjoyed a pint of Old Rosey in the Aletaster.
