Category Archives: Dog

Brass Plaque

I had a random conversation with an old guy a couple of days ago. This began in a lift at Washington bus station.

The dog was looking particularly cute, so attracted his attention. This led to dog related dialogue.

Which continued after we left the lift. He told me that his father lost a much loved dog around 100 years ago. With Council permission, he mounted a plaque on a tree to commemorate the dog’s life.

The tree’s somewhere in Kent; the plaque’s still there.

I like things like that.


We took the van for a run out the other day.

The dog’s moustache matches the rust around the wheel arches.


The dog appears to have developed stair anxiety. If there’s such a thing.

She loves stairs and takes every opportunity to climb new heights. However, around a week ago, she refused to use the stairs. In an upward direction, that is.

Since she sleeps upstairs, that means I need to carry her upstairs each evening. She’s not a large dog, but is very heavy for her size.

I’ve tried leaving her, but she simply lies at the bottom of the stairs, looking miserable (of course, that’s a human interpretation of her feelings). The same happens during the day. Since (almost) leaving the Pub, the hound and I have been spending a lot more time together. Before her sudden change in behaviour, she’d follow me everywhere. But now she only follows me as far as the bottom of the stairs.

Meanwhile, the outcome is that, while I continue to encourage her to use the stairs again, I continue to carry her upstairs each evening. With some difficulty.


I need to give some context for this post. There’ve been a couple of strange happenings in the pub; separate incidents where unattended glasses have abruptly left tables. I’ll not go into detail here, but even as a non-believer, I found this unsettling.

Then yesterday morning, after a shower and slightly blind without glasses, I opened the bathroom door to be faced with (in the darkness of the landing) a bright light coming towards me.

The light was moving erratically, side to side, in circles, up and down. I’d never seen anything like it and instinctively took a couple of steps back.

And then I heard a snorting noise; the kind of noise an excited dog makes when they have a new toy in their mouth.

In this case, a dog with a torch.

I’ve no idea where she found it, or how she managed to turn it on. The switch is recessed at the end, so she must have been chewing the new discovery to hit the switch.


On our fourth attempt this year, we managed to get away in the van for a couple of days. The van didn’t even break down.

We didn’t want to risk too long a distance after the van’s recent major surgery, so decided on Whitby.

We stayed there last year, but that was pre-van. Since we now have a hound, the bikes remained at home, although we took the same route along the cinder path.

To be honest, it was good to get away with the dog; she probably spends too much of her life in a pub, so the break will have been good for her.

We also took her to Whitby Brewery.

Since it was just down the road and, now important to us, is dog friendly, we drove to Robin Hood’s Bay. Where we found a pretty cool Transporter.

The hound was keen to demonstrate her hole digging prowess.

Today, before heading home, we stopped off at Scarborough.

And now we’re home. Work tomorrow. but, since the weather’s nice, there’s time for a beer in the garden.