Well, this probably wasn’t the best time to visit Peterborough.
I pretty much live in a pub, so I don’t understand why people are avoiding/landing/. my post from a few days ago.
The dog had a good time, though.

As usual, I was bitten by insects.
Well, this probably wasn’t the best time to visit Peterborough.
I pretty much live in a pub, so I don’t understand why people are avoiding/landing/. my post from a few days ago.
The dog had a good time, though.
As usual, I was bitten by insects.
A picture of a dog on a bar.
From day one, the dog has hated being in, or even near, a car.
We’ve recently discovered, though, that she enjoys tolerates the van.
Today was a well earned day off, the first in weeks. we drove to Holy Island.
Then to Berwick.
Followed by Seahouses (no pictures) and a random stop-off to let the dog have a pee.
A nice day.
A conversation at work last night somehow ended in the proposal to make a pizza for the dog.
I’d never previously seen her eat so much, so quickly, before. She ate half and would have consumed more had we not removed the other half.
An earlier meal yesterday involved grass.
The dog is behaving like … well, a young dog. Earlier this week, after I’d dozed off on the sofa, she almost destroyed a slipper. To be fair, after a scolding, she left it alone and didn’t attempt to eat the matching slipper.
Over the past couple of days, again while I dozed on the sofa (due to a virus), she began to use the uneaten slipper as a surrogate me. I guess the other one still mostly smells like dog.
Yes, she sleeps with her face inside the slipper.
While talking about eating, we’d decided in pre-dog days that, from the earliest possible point, our hound would be a vegetarian.
In reality, this took around a week. Since making the switch, he growth has been great and her coat’s gone very shiny.
There’ve only been two differences to our plan. First, she stole a dog biscuit from another dog at work. And, secondly, we found that it’s easier to find vegan puppy food, than vegetarian.
It’s pretty cool that animals don’t need to die to feed our animal.
Life’s been very busy, so I’m only just mentioning our pub crawl of last Tuesday.
Well, it was more of a dog walk, but pubs were involved. After all, the mutt needs to learn about pubs.
Our walk naturally began at the Schooner, followed by selected bars in Ouseburn.
The dog exceeded our expectations, walking from the Schooner to the Tyne Bar; her first real walk outside.
Apart from one minor attack directed towards a Lurcher, Harriet’s behaviour was great. Well, OK.
Some dog in bar pictures.
Meet the new addition to our home. Harriet.
She’s pretty cute and really good natured.