Category Archives: Doing stuff

Design flaw

The door of my eldest daughter’s washing machine recently parted company from the machine itself. On inspection, I could see that the door was attached with two screws, through the hinge, directly into corresponding holes in the front of the casing. The screws were short and probably self tapping, since there was nothing obvious to receive them. I effected a temporary repair, using silicone, knowing it would only last a day. It lasted two.

When the door once more rejoined the floor, I took it home to drill larger holes in the hinge to accommodate more substantial screws. The new metal drill bits, purchased when fitting stove pipes, worked a treat, drilling through 3mm of hinge in seconds. The replacement, slightly larger, screws fitted the hinge perfectly too. When finished, I removed the drill bit I’d used and inserted the original masonry bit.

On the morning of the day I’d arranged to return with the newly drilled door, I picked up the bag of new screws from the kitchen table (from among the other packs of screws I’d been considering) when leaving for work. At the last minute, I also decided to take the drill in case larger screws were needed.

That evening, after work, I attempted to re-fit the door. Unfortunately, it transpired that I’d pocketed the wrong packet of screws. They were too small and wouldn’t bite. So there was a trip home to collect the correct packet. Which were also slightly too small.

I returned this evening with larger screws. Which wouldn’t fit the holes in the bracket. Fortunately, I’d left my drill at my daughter’s, so I was able to drill larger holes. Or at least attempt to. Regrettably, the masonry bit proved to be wholly ineffective. So, once more, I needed to return home to collect the appropriate drill bits.

To conclude, my repair was successful. The door appears to be firmly reattached. Since my second in command had acted as taxi driver on both occasions, she may not have been entirely pleased with my errors. It’s possibly no coincidence that, as a reward for successfully repairing the washing machine, I was allowed to watch the Liverpool – Manchester United game this evening.

And finished

A little stove rope, some fire cement and a coat of paint; all finished.



The stove’s bigger than it looks, possibly more than we need for the room, since it’s an 8 or 9kw. But it’s legal in a smokeless zone.

I need to start thinking about the next project now.


Today I have pointed the kitchen fireplace. My second in command is off for a haircut, then it’s a trip to B&Q for some fireproof concrete board. The stove won’t be fitted today, but it’s getting there.


The living room stove’s now up and running, so we just need to pick up some smokeless fuel.


Fortunately, the kitchen stove is super efficient, so we can burn wood in a smokeless zone. It’s a shame we couldn’t find one small enough for the living room though.


We’ve had a busy few days. My head has mostly been in a chimney, but the outcome of much dust ingestion is a working stove in the living room. It doesn’t look very different in comparison to its pre-lined state, but it now works properly.

I spent much of today sitting in the kitchen fireplace, where progress wasn’t exactly speedy. I shall be sitting there tomorrow too, pointing.

It hasn’t all been work though: on Friday evening we went to see Rattlebone play in Trillians. And, since we’re off work this week, we had a very nice Sunday afternoon\evening in town. And there was a walk down to Low Fell yesterday.

Well, a man needs to wash the dust away.

Spice rack

Since my IKEA spice racks were consigned to the bin during kitchen redecoration, we needed another.

Although evolved into something larger than originally planned, our kitchen shelves are shaping up nicely.


There’s a minor error in the construction, so filler will be needed. Otherwise they’d be at nil cost.

Tiles 2

I have to say that I’m happy with my tiling efforts.


Of course, I still need to grout. I’ve been replacing architrave today, ready for panelling, so grouting may happen tomorrow.

Tomorrow will also involve new chimney liners. I may be stressed about such things.


I’ve still a little tiling to do this morning, and grouting later, but I’m content with the outcome of yesterday’s night on the tiles.
