Category Archives: Food

Bathroom update, glasses and more glue

This weekend, I’ve had a burst of bathroom related energy. While it may not appear so, progress has been made.


And, somehow, I managed to break another pair of glasses. I now have two pairs held together with superglue while awaiting new glasses.

I’m only recently returned home, following an unplanned meal in Low Fell. It’s cold outside and the frost is creeping in.

The meal was excellent though, worthy of a huge tip. Afterwards, I enjoyed a pint of Old Rosey in the Aletaster.



On the last day of 2014 I have two things to say:
1. I make good chilli
2. Chilli isn’t the same without beer


Mr Oliver

In need of a starter for Christmas lunch, I stumbled across a recipe for mushroom rolls on the Jamie Oliver website. They were a bit of a faff to make, but I found the process quite enjoyable.




They were actually really nice. And the leftover wine was good too (I only needed 100ml, but I had a couple of bottles).

Avian decomposition

It’s that time of year again. You know, the time when people feel the need to educate vegetarians (and new vegans) in the benefits of consuming birds. For many years, I found this mildly irritating, although I could always feel smug inside knowing I was doing the right thing. Perhaps it’s an age thing, but it’s becoming moderately annoying.

I do, though, retain a clear conscience. Together with a lower risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and several of the other benefits of eating birds.

Boilershop Steamer

It’s worth making a trip to Newcastle on the first Friday or Saturday of the month. The Boilershop Steamer is a pretty chilled event in a gorgeous venue. The building has real history, railway history that is.

For anyone who hadn’t heard, the Rocket was built there.


And now it’s a place to drink beer (or cider in my case), eat nice food and listen to live music.


I made some particularly nice pies this evening.


Chestnut mushroom and Erdinger; they were truly man-pies.


Lentils are quite possibly my most favourite food. Yesterday, I put a lot of effort into making a vegan cottage pie, loosely following a recipe from the Vegetarian Society. I left out the cheese and added chick peas and haricot beans. It was pretty nice too.

Sadly, my second in command didn’t agree. So I had some again this evening.

Vegan festival

Yesterday’s vegan festival at the Stadium of Light was bigger and better than last year’s event. It’s still something of a surprise to see such a great attendance in the Northeast.