It’s important that a lady has nice bathroom facilities. So, now that I’ve resumed work on the bathroom, I’ve fitted a bespoke shower for my second in command. Of course, it’s a temporary arrangement, but I must acknowledge that I do know how to treat a lady.
Category Archives: House
Brewery update
My back aches considerably, but I’ve made further progress with the shed. The light was fading by the time I’d finished for the day, though, so the picture doesn’t do it justice.
Oh, and I’ve now gotten around to adding some pictures of my previous attempt to make the shed usable.
Man cave update
Man cave update
Man cave
Man cave brewery
It’s funny how quickly the weather changes isn’t it. I was sitting in the garden early yesterday afternoon, thinking how green the grass looked in the sunshine (and how it needed cutting).
And, pretty much at the same time today (after cutting the grass and potting stuff), it’s so dull. Ok, so it’s still quite warm and certainly pleasant enough to sit outside with a beer, but it doesn’t feel the same.
Anyway, I’ve been sitting looking at the shed (it’s not really a shed, you can just make it out behind green things), thinking that I really need to make use of it. It’s empty apart from an old wheelbarrow with a wobbly wheel, a bag of compost and a couple of chimney pots. The intention was always to make use of it, since it’s a decent size and actually a pretty cool building, but I’d not originally appreciated its damp issues (the garden of the house behind ours reaches halfway up the back wall of the shed). So, if I want to use it, it’ll need tanking (since parts of the walls are covered in soil). And that’s what I plan to do. After I finish the bathroom. And the spare bedroom(s) – we’re considering knocking the two together, as they were when the house was built.
For some time, I’ve thought that the shed would be an excellent place to make beer. From scratch. It’s ideal; easily heated, but cool even in the summertime. Which naturally makes it the perfect man cave (perhaps with the addition of a TV and beer fridge). I do love a good project.
I did a little more work on the bathroom yesterday, although it’s slow going and doesn’t look very different.
It’s easy to picture the end result though; I’m confident that it’ll look great when it’s finished.
And, if your imagination doesn’t ‘t stretch that far, just picture the Bridge Tavern in town.