Category Archives: House

Home improvement

Feeling somewhat lazy guilty after suspending work on the bathroom a couple of months ago after removing only a half dozen wall tiles, I made an effort to resume activity this morning.



There was quite a difference in the ease of tile removal between the 19th and 20th Century walls, the tiles on the 1980s wall took hardly any effort at all.

I prefer the older walls though, even though the plaster came off too.


I’ve removed some of the old slats, I thought I might be able to fit in a cupboard and the wall cavity is wasted space. Alternatively, I could strip off all of the wooden slats and replace with plasterboard.


Mildly annoyed

On returning home from a long day at work, I found myself unable to open my front door. It appeared that my second in command (who now potentially faces demotion) had fallen asleep upstairs. Now, that in itself wouldn’t be either unusual or a problem. However, she had left her key in the lock and, I’m assuming, her phone downstairs. After a half hour’s wait outside the house, I relocated to the Tuns. Where I’ve been just over an hour and a half.

While I do have beer, which I usually enjoy, I must concede that my usual patient, calm disposition may be becoming somewhat tarnished.

I do, though, remain positive in the knowledge that my little house is not easy to break into.


Time to (gradually) start work on the bathroom.


I’m not going to rush. Well, it’s important to be thorough.

My blue price promise

I’m mildly irritated with EDF. They’re upholding their blue price promise by mailing me whenever another energy supplier provides a cheaper tariff. But they don’t actually say anything about the competing plan. I do appreciate that they’re in competition, but greater transparency would be a good thing.

Another irritation is their billing. Again, I receive an email when I have a new bill or, which is now the case, when my monthly payments will change. But they don’t say anything about the amount on the bill or how much my new payments will be. I have to log-on to see that. Surely they must know that I’ve long forgotten my user name and password.



Finally finished-off the last bits of the bedroom. It feels like a bedroom now, rather than a junk room.


My old bike’s looking good on the wall too.


It shall soon be powder coated in a colour to match the bedroom.


What on earth is the point of curling? There’s no way it’s a proper sport. I acknowledge my general lack of interest in pretty much any sport, but this particular activity is so silly. I mean, why?

Anyway, our wardrobe construction is now complete. I’ll admit that it seemed to take forever, fitting in the odd hour of two after work, but I’ve quite enjoyed it.



After setbacks and delays, largely a result of work and other (laziness) commitments, wardrobe construction has been slow.

However, progress has been made this week.



Work’s been mad again lately, ridiculously busy the past couple of months and likely to be so for at least the next few weeks.

I’ve started to make some time for other things I need to get done though. For example, our

new wardrobes.



You have to use a bit of imagination, but we’re making progress. More wood was needed so a trip to Wickes after work yesterday was necessary. This involved the discovery that 2.4M lengths of wood will fit into a Ford KA. Without bits sticking out of the boot or windows.


Oh, I’m also painting a new T-shirt. It has an Eels theme.



More plastering

When a mate recently asked what I’d been up to lately, I mistakenly said I’d been doing some plastering. So yesterday afternoon was spent round their house. However, while not wishing to brag, or attract jobs in other houses, I’m getting pretty good at this.


I’m now embarking on some Christmas shopping (which I know I shouldn’t leave so late). Town will be horrific no doubt.

Then this evening we’re going to see the View. Which, followed by an early start tomorrow morning, may also be horrific.

I suppose I could avoid alcohol.


Last night a child was killed in my street. Apparently he ran out from the park, into the road, and was hit by a car. According to someone in the street, he’d been hassled by some other kids in the park and he’d been trying to get away from them.

This is all word of mouth, so may not be remotely accurate. But it’s a busy road and the Police did stop access for both traffic and pedestrians. So it does seem horribly likely.

Addendum – the person in the street didn’t get it quite right. The victim was an 18-year-old and they were taken to hospital. They had been attacked in the park though.

And now the correct version of events.
