Category Archives: Music

Yorkshire pudding

This evening, my second in command made Yorkshire puddings. Vegan Yorkshire puddings. An important discovery allowed such an event; the water from a can of chickpeas makes a pretty decent egg substitute. Apparently, it works in cake too.

And a video from Saturday night’s gig.

Kind of Augustines II

Memories from last night have been emerging through the day. Apparently, I told Mr McCarthy that my second in command had walked 17 miles on crutches to see him. Obviously, that wasn’t quite true. And he understood that, even found it amusing.

Such claims were largely due to the 6.8â„… Jakehead. I’d only had two or three, then thought it wise to switch to Erdinger. Anyway, I enjoyed nice conversation with Billy. And I’m sure my second in command enjoyed her hugs with Mr McCarthy.

Some other, pretty random, pictures from yesterday.







Well, I did say they were random. There’s a story behind most of them, but I’m way too lazy to go into that level of detail.

Anyway, It was a great night. There are a couple of full band gigs on sale soon; we quite fancy March in Manchester. And, hopefully, somewhere nearer home.

Kind of Augustines

Pretty damn amazing; Mr William McCarthy, a real gentleman and an incredible performer. More will follow in a few hours, but a picture for now.


That little tent at T in the Park a few years ago, when we stumbled across We are Augustines, as they were at the time, was something pretty special. We were stupidly impressed at the time and have loved the Augustines ever since. My second in command may have a thing about Billy; nothing to do with the multiple hugs with him this evening I’m sure. Looking forward to the third album and the accompanying tour.

The trouble with dreams

For a number of years, the BBC used to play clips from Eels songs when advertising future TV programmes. It’s been a while since they last used one though. Until now, that is. Over the past few days, the intro from the trouble with dreams has accompanied trailers for new programmes.

A good choice.

Skinny Molly

I’m not the biggest fan of southern rock. I need to say that right away.

But my second in command might be. So we went to our local to see Skinny Molly. Who were pretty amazing.

My second in command thought so too; a late evening for a breakfast chef is a rare thing, so staying until the end was something of a surprise.

A couple of really shaky phone pictures.



Sad Elvis

Stuff tends to pass me by, but is it close to the anniversary of Elvis’ death?

I only mention this because Priscilla Presley seems to be on every UK TV chat show lately. And I only mention her because she’s had pretty shocking cosmetic surgery.


Profondo Rosso

Last night’s Profondo Rosso reunion went really well; it was only an hour’s set, but it was a good one. And at a beer festival too. I enjoyed both the band and the beer.

A follow-up gig at Trillians is rumoured.



Glastonbury 2016

Although my second in command (and me too, after some arm twisting) had decided to give Glastonbury a miss this year, following a conversation with Karl the other night I decided to drag myself out of bed early this morning and try for tickets for next year’s festival.

I thought that perhaps God should make the decision for me\us.

And so the annual fun started at nine this morning.


And ended in a half hour.


I guess God didn’t want us to go next year. The bastard.

Seriously though, I feel weirdly OK about it; not remotely disappointed. I know there’s the resale in April, but I don’t think I’ll bother with that. So it looks as though we might be pushed into trying something different after all.