Category Archives: Music

The best days of my life

I remember watching an episode of The Tube in the early 80s, when Paula Yates (I think) interviewed Bryan Adams. She mentioned that he was born in England and he, awkwardly, corrected her, saying that he was born in Canada. I’m not sure why that stuck.

I went to see him with my second in command this evening. I’d mistakenly bought tickets because I was under the impression that she really liked him. She does, but not a lot.

Fortunately, she enjoyed his performance very much. While I quite liked him in the 80s, it’s not my kind of music. But I must concede that the man has talent.

There may be a video from this evening, and it may even relate to 1969; I’m assuming it shall appear on YouTube.


After rediscovering Augustines (or We are Augustines when I stumbled across them at T in the Park a while ago), I’ve mainly listened to their new album, which is surprisingly called Augustines. However, since their European tour has now begun, I’ve switched to the earlier Rise Ye Sunken Ships. And my bus journeys to work and back are now so much nicer.

Bryan Ferry

And now it’s Mr Ferry. He went to school with my uncle Ed.


The £150 ticket price tag for the City Hall feels wrong. I’m sure he must have played there for pence before he became well known.

Come on Mr F, have some respect for your roots.

Hank Marvin

Seriously, the man has real talent. But a more in-tune image could have made him (even more) millions.



Still, TOTO2 Halloween Special is interesting. I can’t think of a better word.

Holding steady

I went to see the Hold Steady this evening, at the Riverside in town. I’ll confess I’d never heard of them until a bloke who appreciates music (thanks, Jimmy) recommended them a couple of months ago. I listened to two or three of their albums for a few weeks, although I immediately bought a ticket for their Newcastle gig out of respect for my advisor’s rather good taste in music.

And I loved them. Both while listening on my ancient ipod on the bus to and from work (my second in command doesn’t generally share my taste in music so it’s not allowed in the car) and seeing them live this very evening.


I’m now on an evil-smelling number 57, from Gateshead Interchange (you know, the one that smells like the inside of a washing machine when the pump’s been not been working properly for a while).

I’m hoping that the Tuns isn’t still serving; I need to catch an early train to London in the morning.

Meat is murder

It is. Fact. But I’ve literally just read these words and it reminded me of times long gone. I can’t remember exactly when, but it was in the very early 80s. Walking through a subway in central London, I noticed a Smith’s Meat is Murder sticker on the wall; on the right hand side, amongst the graffiti. You didn’t see that kind of thing in the North in those days.

I’ve never claimed to be a fan of the Smiths; well, of the flowers in the pocket era. And I’m not too keen on the man himself as a person (he’s mental and a bit of a nob, after all).

But, as a brand new vegetarian (who was looked on as something of an alien at the time. It was the Northeast, remember), it was a brilliant thing to see.

Having read what Mr Marr has said recently about the Meat is Murder album, and its influence on vegetarianism, it’s clear that the album had real impact, though.

And now I’m going into my fifth without dairy produce week. I’m finding it so easy (the restaurant we’ve booked for our works Christmas lunch has offered vegan options – that’s plural), not what I’d expected at all.

Anyway, I bought a cool shirt.


Our local

Just home from an evening in our local, where we had a very pleasant couple of hours with the Happy Cats (I may have mentioned them previously).

The band was great as always and I kindof liked the change in lineup.

Hold Steady

He didn’t seem much different

Except for the blood on his jacket.

I’m quite enjoying the lyrics, One for the Cutters, the Hold Steady.

I’ve only recently been introduced to them and I’ve still a couple of albums to get through, but it’s all good so far.

Forthcoming events II

A rather embarrassing amendment.

I currently have tickets booked for:
The Hold Steady
Bryan Adams
Interpol (well, from a tout on the day)