Category Archives: Pubs

The Old Dog

Several years ago, I called into the Old Dog, in Preston. It was a bit of a dump, but I didn’t intend to stay for more than one drink. 

I may have written about this at the time, but the landlord (who was still in his 20s) engaged me in conversation. We mostly talked about music, finding that we only had Rufus Wainwright in common. Or was it Devendra Banhart? 

Anyway, on learning this, the friendly landlord went upstairs to his flat, returned with a Rufus Wainwright (or was it Devendra Banhart) album, turned the jukebox (which was playing at the time), removed a CD and inserted the Rufus Wainwright (or …). He then played the whole thing and gave me more beer, for which he wouldn’t accept payment. 

Fortunately, my sensible head prevented me staying until closing time. 

I suspect that the pub has since changed hands a few times. I do have a point though. The Blue Bell, as I learned earlier this evening, had replaced a demolished Old Dog. So, at some point in the late 1800s, a new Old Dog must have been built. 

Ye Olde Blue Bell

After a bite to eat this evening, I walked in the direction of the hotel. And then turned around And walked in the opposite direction. I had coke with the meal, so thought a walk to the Blue Bell was in order. 

I only had a pint of stout, since I need to be coherent at work in the morning, but it would have been wrong not to take the opportunity to visit a Sam Smith’s pub. And I’m quite fond of this particular pub. 

While there, I learned more of its history. It opened in the early 1700s, on the site of the Old Dog. There have been two related murders, the first a landlord’s daughter the the mid-1800s, the second more recently in 1944. 

The landlord’s daughter wasn’t actually murdered in the pub; the act was committed in a nearby pub, over a glass of lemonade. By her fiance en route to their wedding. He cut her throat with a razor. 

It didn’t end too well for the fiance either; he was hanged, with a 9ft drop, in Manchester. The latter murder did occur in the pub though. An American servicemen had made comments about British forces. And a British soldier wasn’t impressed and stabbed him. The latter was court martialled, but his fate wasn’t stated. I may need to carry out further research. 

It was an educational pint of stout. 


I almost forgot about Mono. I feel pretty bad about that; after all, it’s a fully vegan bar. The food’s great and none of the beer contains fish. 

They even have Sam Smith’s stout on draught. 

We ate there yesterday and the pizza was gorgeous. They even allow bike parking on the stage.


I’m now home after an excellent day in York with old gentlemen. 

Some of us didn’t fare very well. But some did. 

No, the bloke on the left wasn’t with us. 

Only two of the five of us managed a nightcap in town; pretty shocking I think. But that’s how it is when you hang out with old men. 

Oh, I meant a second nightcap; the tipi didn’t really count. 


Our washing machine passed away over the Christmas break. It’s been replaced, with disposal via the now reliable, hassle free method. We left it outside the house, along with an old radiator, and it disappeared within 24 hours. 

The record still rests with a dishwasher, which vanished in under two hours. 

Another departure is the landlord from our local. He seems to have sold the business. We’d know more, but we didn’t visit this afternoon to say goodbye. Apparently, the pub is now closed for a short time. 


We’re now in the Hadrian’s Tipi in town. 

We may be considering how we could fit such a construction in our garden. 

A New Year’s Day walk

Many years ago, and only for a few years, I started to get into the habit of taking a walk on New Year’s Day. While it was a good habit to have, it was short lived.

A walk was planned for today and, though it almost didn’t happen, I thought I should make an effort. And it’s been an enjoyable walk so far; so far, replicating my walk of a couple of weeks ago. I don’t intend this walk lasting quite as long as that last one, but it was good to see that the Schooner is open. Well, it’s important to have frequent rests during a long walk. 

My walk may also take me across the Tyne, where I may rest at the Tyne Bar or, possibly, the Free Trade Inn.