Category Archives: TV


I must say, I’m really impressed with the pipelight solution to the whole problem of running Netflix under Linux. After trying it on one computer, I’ve now added it to the bedroom computer, after taking the opportunity to replace Windows with Ubuntu. It’s pretty easy to set up, just a tiny amount of command line stuff and an add-on to the browser.




And, best of all, Ubuntu’s startup screen is more in keeping with the decor than was Windows.


With a long weekend ahead and Eels tickets purchased this morning, it’s been quite a satisfying day.


Two good things: Firstly, Netflix is now happily running under Ubuntu on the living room computer. It’s a workaround of course, with an add-on to Chrome emulating Firefox, but it works a treat.


Which does mean that I didn’t need to set the computer up with a Windows dual boot option. At least I’d not gotten around to installing Ubuntu on the bedroom computer, so I can just replace Windows when I do.

Secondly, Eels will be playing at the Sage in July. On a Saturday too. And tickets are on sale in the morning.


Twilight Zone

I found the Twilight Zone on Netflix this evening/morning. Monochrome is so beautiful. And robots too.



A friend of mine grows his very own brambles. Watching the old Elbow-BBC Philharmonic thing on YouTube. First time in ages and first time I’ve watched the whole thing in one go.

Classic films

While browsing SciFi content on Netflix, I’ve come across a whole range of rather excellent classic films. Well, I’m sure they were.

Apparently, in 1958, Mars looked like this (with visitors from Earth).



And the inhabitants were large bat-faced creatures with spider legs.


Zombie apocalypse

It’s definitely worth taking a look at the US Netflix. I’d not bothered, since I’m still working my way through a couple of TV series. But curiosity got the better of me.

There’re a ridiculous amount of ridiculously named zombie-themed films.

For example:


And, perhaps an obvious one:
