Category Archives: Out and about

Heaven is a place in the Northeast

I’m at Gateshead interchange right now. I should be home, but I was delayed by a most interesting conversation with a man from Salford.
At the bottom of the escalator, I noticed a truly wonderful piece of engineering.

Full ahead, number one!
And then I spotted a poster which informed me that Belinda Carlisle is in fact from the Northeast.



While I didn’t take any pictures, we walked down to Saltwell Park last night for the firework display. I was surprised when I found that it would be going ahead, despite Local Government spending cuts. It was well worth the walk though. It was a cold, but nice, evening. I even bumped into someone I knew from years ago. Literally.
On our walk home, we stopped off at Azure Blue (a pub I’d not set foot inside in years) and then the Tuns.
Today was spent sanding and waxing our new coffee table.

I’m now wondering whether a beer crate/pallet dining table is viable.

Crime in Gateshead

I’d not exactly describe Gateshead as a particular hotspot for crime. But then I came across this today.

Of course, it’s entirely possible that this was the scene of an accident.


This afternoon, en route from Kings Cliffe to Peterborough, I felt a severe urge to empty my bladder. My second in command pulled over, directing me to some suitable bushes.

At roughly mid point, several cars passed. And then a school bus stopped a few yards from my bushes. And children alighted.

In a world of Savile, Travis, Harris and Hall (did I miss anyone?) hunting, I pissed as quickly as I could and rushed back to the car.

Where my second in command was laughing.

Ferry Meadows

A couple of years ago, we bought a little tent, packed it onto our (since stolen) bikes and cycled to Ferry Meadows, where we camped; just the one night.


We’re camping there again right now, in almost exactly the same spot, although it was too far to cycle this time and the tent’s bigger.


Unfortunately, from an Epifection perspective, all may not be well. Either myself or my second in command may have passed away.



At the age of 45, I just bought my first car. Ok, so I don’t drive and it wasn’t bought for me, but I shall savour the moment nonetheless.

I’ve been told that this car will be named Daisy.



I can’t believe I just hid from someone I used to work with. I feel mean, but I couldn’t afford to lose an hour.