Last night ended in the Forth. And this afternoon picked up where I left off.
After some shopping, that is. We bought yet another battery back-up for phones (and some other stuff we don’t need). Well, the Glastonbury ones are £25 this year and they only manage one charge. And there’s the queue. So, we’ve bought a couple of higher capacity batteries and have a few older ones left over from previous festivals. There’s the car as a last resort, but I’m confident we’ll not need that.
While on the subject of festivals, is anyone else going to Kendal Calling? It’s only a month away and a festival at a very reasonable price. A whole weekend festival for half the price of the mainstream stuff (you can pay monthly by direct debit too).
And, this year, a great line-up too. Elbow are headlining on (I think) the Saturday evening, which is reason enough to go. And here’s Snoop Dog and the Kaiser Chiefs. Oh, and the Levellers (did I mention that a friend of one of the band killed our TV a few months ago? After a bottle of wine and most of a bottle of vodka. And some weed.) and, really worth seeing, the Lake Poets. But, as much as I love Elbow, and others, I’d go just to see Augustines.
And, should you be reading this, you should consider the same. Because You’ve nothing to lose but …
you’ve nothing to lose, but
you’ve nothing to lose, but
you’ve nothing to lose, but
you’ve nothing to lose, but
you’ve nothing to lose, but
… your head …
That was me, singing. I don’t sing very well, but I do recommend the band (Mr William McCarthy et al) though; they have serious potential.
Back to Glastonbury now; we won’t be going next year. I’m saying this in advance because I don’t want to be confused with the (many) people who can’t get a ticket, but pretend they weren’t bothered about going in the first place. We’ve simple decided to take a break. We may go again one day, but a gap is needed to avoid something pretty cool from becoming routine. We’re considering Lowlands or Benicassim next year. I’d favour the former, because I’ve been twice before, but my second in command seems to be drawn to Spain (it does sound amazing). Or we may do neither.