Category Archives: Pubs


After a nice long sleep, I’m completely hangover free. That’s despite a day in York with beer. A civilised day, in quality old pubs, and in the company of old gentlemen; what more could a man want?





I came across this note in a Post Office window, in Sunderland, last weekend.


Quite shocking really. Last weekend also saw us attending zombie school for a second year. The actual event starts next weekend and we’ll probably be doing two or three nights. Lesson learned from last year, though, I won’t be doing two nights in a row. I couldn’t walk properly after two nights last year.

Speaking of zombies, while I dearly love Sam Smith pubs, I do recognise that they can attract a certain type of clientele. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with that, but it can put some people off. While in Preston a couple of days this week, I was seriously impressed by the work done on Ye Olde Blue Bell; it’s incredible how such a gorgeous building (and a Sam Smith’s pub) had been hiding behind the grotty render. I loved the old, dirty incarnation of the pub, but it’s now having the attention it deserves.


Ed Tudor Pole is walking up your street

A text from my youngest daughter. And he was. I’d imagine he was staying round the corner, after playing at the Tuns last night. It was a good night too, although this was the first pie festival at the Tuns where I was unable to partake of pie-ness. There was one potentially vegan pie, but I didn’t want to chance it. They had plenty of vegetarian pies though, pretty impressive for Gateshead. Anyway, Mr Tudor Pole was very good last night; and a true gentleman.

Long weekends II

Another pretty cool long weekend involved some of my favourite pubs in both Peterborough and Newcastle. Worthy of mention are Charters and the Wortley Almshouses; the latter was visited a couple of times. Oh, and the Ostrich, where we saw a great band on Saturday evening. The following evening involved some truly nice real ale in Newcastle, from Out There, Atom and, perhaps best of all, Cloudwater. All unfined and vegan.

Long weekends

Are never long enough. Still, the weather’s been gorgeous and some time was spent in pubs doing a lot less than we’d planned. Yesterday was particularly good, with live music and great beer in the sunshine in Ouseburn. There’d be pictures, but they’re on my phone and I’m too lazy to transfer them. The Tyne Bar has another great band this Sunday at three; we may be there if tbe weather’s ok (they’re using the outdoor stage).


We’re currently in the Castle, on Oldham Road, Manchester. It’s a rather beautiful old pub with a free jukebox.


I’m drinking Brooklyn lager, but last time I was here I had a bottle of Elbow beer. The old build a rocket boys variety.

And, speaking of Elbow, yesterday we fell down a hole in the neighbourhood of Oxford Road.


The Temple, followed by Big Hands.


And then Elbow at the Apollo. Which a pretty amazing gig, with lots of old stuff and a move away from a one day like this finale.


Happy new stuff

The high level bridge was a pretty cool place to be a few minutes ago. Currently in the Bridge Hotel, enjoying a pint of erdinger.

The evening may not have been as special as last year (Local Authority spending constraints had an impact I imagine), but it was still good.


Time for a cab I think.

If you’re skint …

… and on the dole, you’ll get a pint in The Metropole. Someone told me about that little rhyme soon after I moved to Gateshead; in The Traveller’s Rest I believe. The Metropole had a lot of history, including some nice (but battered) old Edwardian panelling.

The pub closed a few months ago, having being purchased by a chain. It’s now re-opened and it’s pretty much been gutted. The lovely old bar has gone and the ceiling lowered (extremely). But it’s better to have a modernised pub than no pub at all. And it’s now attracting a new, cleaner clientele.

While most of the panelling has been replaced, a tiny bit remains.
