Category Archives: Pubs


I’ve just learned, from Twitter, that Popolo in town has closed. Many people seem to be lamenting the loss of a venue for cocktails.


I’ve spent some very nice afternoons there over the years, in the pink light through the windows. With overpriced, but delicious Erdinger.

At the opposite end of the beer price scale, I spent an enjoyable couple of hours yesterday evening in the Olde Blue Bell, in Preston. With cheap, but delicious Sam Smith’s extra stout (and bitter).

A couple of pictures from last night too. The second was taken in the somewhat unusual hotel car park.



Hair decoration

I made the best ever hair decoration. This very evening. In the Central.


It’s amazing what you can make from a crisp packet.

Seabrooks, that is. None of that Walkers’ shit.


Can I just say; the Bridge Hotel now has Erdinger Urweisse on draught. Or draft, if you’re across the Atlantic. It’s rather beautiful.



Lady Grey’s

While in Lady Grey’s this evening, I noticed their salvaged industrial lights. I may want one of these for the kitchen when we next redecorate. And the landing. And maybe in the (new-old) bathroom when I get round to it.



Fat Ox

I’ve been frequenting a bar in Whitley Bay for several years now. Peter has always referred to it as the Fat Ox. I’d never noticed the name of the pub, but had assumed that the Fat Oxwas a Peter-made-up-name. Usually, I’ll leave this venue at short notice (when someone notices the last Metro is due). But, this evening, I kept a close on the time and left before the last but one Metro. As I left the pub, I looked up.


And saw that Peter hadn’t invented the pub’s name.

I couldn’t dwell on it, though, because chips were needed. They were very nice. I used to buy food from the very same premises when I stayed in a B&B here a few years ago (it was unplanned and was a precursor to divorce). I’d recommend the place if I could recall its name.

Anyway, upon reaching the Metro station, I felt an urge to take up cycling again.


And, after only a couple of minutes, the Metro arrived.


I’m currently at ‘South Goss-forth‘. According to the recorded Metro voice. While I’m pleased I’ve made it this far, I’m considering whether I can make it to Gateshead without having to disembark.

I shall stop now. I need to concentrate.

Room with a view 2

I’m currently in room 301 in the Travelodge in Preston. I had the same room a couple of months ago, which is a bit weird. The view’s slightly different. Well, marginally.

My team are moaning a bit because I’ve been cost conscious in terms of accommodation. But we’re very central.

And very close to a pub of character.


With a nice old floor.

The Black Horse. There are others; most notable, the Olde Blue Bell. An old Sam Smith’s pub. It smells a little I admit, but it’s pretty unique.


(My old mate Rich introduced me to this pub)

Why Kick a moo cow

I’m sat in the Central right now. In the back room. With the big old bar. And a most gorgeous pint of why kick a moo cow. It’s hoppy, fishless and very nice.


The Isis

In the Isis now. It’s empty. Which it would be since the doors only just opened.


I’ve so earned this pint of beer.



I took this picture a couple of weeks ago. I quite like it. Believe it or not, it’s not altered in any way, but exactly as it was taken. Really.


There were lights and stuff in the bar, and I did take a lot of rubbish pictures before this one, but I can claim this to be untouched (albeit fuzzy).