Category Archives: Pubs


I took this picture a couple of weeks ago. I quite like it. Believe it or not, it’s not altered in any way, but exactly as it was taken. Really.


There were lights and stuff in the bar, and I did take a lot of rubbish pictures before this one, but I can claim this to be untouched (albeit fuzzy).

North Street Bar

My second in command and I discovered a bar with potential a year and a bit ago. In reality, it was a bit of a gamble since we were the only people in there that night. Apart from the barman. But we knew that one day it’d be great.

And now it is. Erdinger too.



I need to start carrying a usb lead around with me. The number 56 bus now has plug sockets.


And, completely unrelated, a most delicious mushroom ‘burger’ from Lady Grey’s. Erdinger on draught too. Both were consumed on Saturday.



The weather today, that is. I’m committed to remaining indoors; I probably won’t get dressed today and I’ve just lit a fire.

We spent (part of) New Year’s Eve in the Bridge as planned, but this has resulted in an extreme case of lethargy. For myself, that is. My second in command is working today. Which isn’t great.

A couple of table pictures from the Bridge.

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And some taken around midnight from the adjacent high level bridge.

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Also of relevance from the past few days was the discovery, on Saturday (and Sunday), of the Bridge Tavern. This particular bridge related pub sits beneath the Tyne bridge and shouldn’t be confused with the Bridge Hotel of last night. A rather nice example of architectural salvage though.


Also, spotted in Peacock’s in Gateshead, was a rather special T-shirt. I had to take a picture, but for some reason which escapes me I didn’t actually buy one. I may have to do so tomorrow though.


Awful, isn’t it?


An after work stout

Having to leave work at a sensible time has it’s advantages. Not only have I collected a prescription (to ensure I’m not inhaler-less over Christmas), I’ve also made time for a bottle of stout in the Central.


The red-topped table looks quite festive. Which reminds me of a picture I took on Saturday in town. A Santa Claus in a shop window. Apparently wearing poundshop reading glasses. You’d think they could have picked up something more authentic (if there’s really authenticity in this case) easily enough on eBay.

That’s where I buy most of mine.


Bit disturbing though isn’t it. The Coca Cola Santa that is.


Went out for a meal with my team this afternoon/evening. Which was very nice. Sam Smith’s Imperial Stout may have been involved. Take heed, tis dangerous stuff.

New Year’s Eve

The last couple of New Year’s Eves were spent very happily in Charters, in Peterborough. Sadly, my second in command’s working pattern does not allow the several days needed to make the trip worthwhile. It seemed impossible to find an alternative that’d live up to Charters.

And, today, I nave found a suitable replacement.


Well, it’s my second in command’s most preferred venue in the Northeast.