Category Archives: Pubs

Swan & three cygnets

We’re currently in the Swan and three cygnets in Durham. Technically speaking, we’re not though, since we’re sat outside on the grass.

Important stuff now; it’s a Sam Smith’s pub and I have a bottle of chocolate stout. And a pint of extra stout. There was a bit of confusion when ordering at the bar.



While in the Dun Cow (apparently it was originally called the Black Cow in the 1700s) the other night, I noticed a poster related to the current Foster’s marketing campaign; the one where they’re trying to make out that the muck they sell in the UK is the same product which was born in Australia in 1888.

Anyway, the poster’s theme is traditional pub games. There’s a link to download one such game to a smartphone. The link, at the bottom of the poster, will take you to a skittles game. The game being played in the poster is quoits.

Now, I do understand why the poster depicts a game of quoits. After all, it was incredibly popular in the 1800s, so does give the illusion of authenticity. But I can’t imagine many Foster’s drinkers having heard of such a game. In their shoes, I’d have released a skittles game too.

I’ve not downloaded it.


Beer in the sunshine

After an unplanned night out in town left me with a vile hangover, today’s decorating wasn’t exactly the most pleasant of experiences. However, beer will make everything better.
